Monday, February 10, 2014

LED Kit installation -- Wiring

Before start to install, make sure the power switch is off or plug is pulled; handle LED modules with metal bracket, DO NOT touch the yellow LED balls.

The center of wiring is base on driver. There are two sides of driver, one side is AC side with brown/blue wires and the other side is DC side with red/black wires.
Our AC input is universal AC range from 95~ 265V AC, that covers all household AC systems around the world.

DC is polarities, connect the red wire to the yellow wire from LED module(s) and connect the black wire to our white wire. 

Before connect the wires to AC, make sure the power cord is unplugged or switch off.
AC is non-polarity, you can match the pair freely. Use either  twist cap or electrical tape to connect the wires. Make sure the connection is secure and no copper is exposed.

Fasten LED module and driver.

For even and clean surface, use double sided tape for installation. Our double sided tapes are 300% stronger than the ones you can find from office depot and can withhold 212F temperature. Just peer off the cover and press object firmly against surface. (a minimum application pressure should be 15 pounds in order to achieve maximum bond strength.

 The dwell time the tape needs to be in contact with both surfaces, before it reaches it maximum adhesion, is 1 hours. )

For uneven or lose surfaces, use included screws for installation, still use double sided tape for positioning. Use 7/64" drill bit to drill two pilot holes for each object and apply screws.(Wear eye protection) The 3/8" screws are for power supply and ¼" screws are for light modules.

­Do NOT turn on the light (heat up) before the tape dwell time (1 hour) is met

For instance installation, use screws.

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