Saturday, February 1, 2014

Is LED Light suitable to grow plants?

According to Wikipedia, suitable light to grow plants are: 
Natural daylight has a high color temperature (approximately 5000 K). Visible light color varies according to the weather and the angle of the Sun, and specific quantities of light (measured in lumens) stimulate photosynthesis. Distance from the sun has little effect on seasonal changes in the quality and quantity of light and the resulting plant behavior during those seasons. The axis of the Earth is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit around the sun. During half of the year the north pole is tilted towards sun so the northern hemisphere gets nearly direct sunlight and the southern hemisphere gets oblique sunlight that must travel through more atmosphere before it reaches the Earth's surface. In the other half of the year, this is reversed. The color spectrum of light that the sun emits does not change, only the quantity (more during the summer and less in winter) and quality of overall light reaching the Earth's surface. The color rendering index allows comparison of how closely the light matches the natural color of regular sunlight.

The light spectra of different grow lights

Different stages of plant growth require different spectra. The initial vegetative stage requires a blue spectrum of light, whereas the later "flowering" stage is usually promoted with red–orange spectra. The reason: blue spectra are good to grow stem, orange spectrum are good to grow leafs.

The perfect LED grow light has controllable Blue and Yellow/Red LEDs, these special design LED lamps are usually more expensive

The other important factor is light intensity, a perfect grow light should give 1,000 but no more than 10,000 lux as compare to real sunlight. Many grow lights has adjustable height design for keeping perfect light intensity.

10,000 ~ 25,000 lux: Full sunlight, (not direct sun)
1000 lux: Overcast day, typical TV studio lighting
400 lux: Sunrise/Sunset on a clear day

Easy LED Lighting's natural white LED, which has energy concentrated at  3700 ~5000 K; but that doesn't mean there is zero energy at outside of this spectrum range, and it can certainly to grow plants. A cheaper way to enhance plant growing performance is to add (cardboard) panels painted in fluorescent blue and orange color at near the top, they can absorb reflective white light energy and emit blue and orange light. 

As for light intensity, Easy LED module can be easily adjustable hang to desired height to reach perfect light intensity.

To get Easy LED kits 
See LED Terrarium application

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